David Firestein speaks at Michigan State University on Taiwan and the U.S.-China Relationship

October 27, 2022


On October 27, David Firestein, president and CEO of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, was the featured speaker on a webinar entitled: “Taiwan and the U.S.-China Relationship:  Hard Realities and Inconvenient Truths” The webinar is part of a lecture series hosted by the MSU Faculty Emeriti Association and the MSU Asian Studies Center.

Mr. Firestein, a longtime friend of the MSU community, peeled back the veneer of well-worn diplomatic language employed by both the United States and China, and discussed the “hard realities and inconvenient truths” associated with the issue of Taiwan in the U.S.-China relationship, offering his assessment regarding the prospects for cross-Strait relations and U.S.-China relations.