Michael Murphree
Senior Lecturer | University of Sydney Business School
Michael Murphree is senior lecturer in the discipline of international business at the University of Sydney Business School. He speaks fluent Mandarin and has conducted field research in China since 2007. His primary research interests include globalization, innovation in emerging economies, technology standards and market formation and intellectual property rights, especially in China and East Asia. His research considers China’s development experience, interaction with foreign businesses and economic upgrading in comparative perspective, particularly through the lens of global value chains.
Dr. Murphree has published numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, chapters in edited academic volumes and numerous commissioned white papers and reports. His book (co-authored with Dan Breznitz), The Run of the Red Queen: Government, Innovation, Globalization, and Economic Growth in China (Yale University Press) was the winner of the 2012 British International Studies Association Susan Strange Best Book Award and a bronze medalist for the 2012 Axiom Business Book Award for International Business/Globalization.
Previously, Dr. Murphree taught globalization and international business, comparative innovation systems at the University of South Carolina Moore School of Business. He has also taught political economy of innovation in China and introduction to international political economy. Dr. Murphree received his PhD in international affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology.